
I want to write a script for transparent floppy using ndb. The script should 
provide transparent access to floppy. the general idea is

use rsh to start nbd-server (any user can do that)
start nbd-client (nbd-client does need to be suid)
mount /dev/wsfloppy /tmp/wsfloppy
start a file manager ( kfmclient openURL /tmp/wsfloppy, for example)
wait until filemanager dies
umount /dev/wsfloppy
use rsh to stop nbd-server (it automatically will also stop nbd-client)

what is the point?  
everything works well, except that the script is not allowed to mount 
/dev/wsfloppy (it is correctly created under /dev and configured in fstab, 
users being able to mount)

Does anyone know how to solve?

bellow is the raw script (it works if you just type in the commands)

rsh "nbd-server 1025 /dev/fd0" &
sleep 20 
nbd-client 1025 /dev/wsfloppy
mount /dev/wsfloppy /tmp/wsfloppy
ls /tmp/wsfloppy # for test :)
umount /ltsp/goedel
rsh "killall nbd-server"



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