Am 20 Mar 2002, um 8:27 Uhr schrieb Derek Dresser:

> Hi,
> I think the simplest solution is going to be MOSIX clustering of 
the servers.
> If you set up one LTSP server with a mosix kernel and all your 
> then set up the other servers with just a mosix kernel (these could 
even boot
> diskless), your users will only ever see one server, but the actual 
use of
> memory and processor will be across the multiple machines.  I 
haven't used Mosix
> for an LTSP server yet, but I use it on two of my office machines 
and it works
> well.  
I have tried such a solution, but I was running in serveral problems:
First, MOSIX-processes cannot migrate to another server if the appl. 
is using shared memory.
Second, if you are connecting to a machine, all the network-traffic 
is being handled over this machine. F.e., all your window-managers 
are running on one machine and won't migrate to another one.

I've took a look at the "Linux Virtual Server Project" ( ). Maybe this is a good solution. I 
think, it is worth to try a combination of te LVS-project and MOSIX...

The advantage is, you get _one_ entry-point to your servers, and then 
the requests will be distributed to a server, and you have _one_ 
filesystem behind them all. And in a combination with MOSIX, it would 
be possible, that some processes will migrate to less used servers if 
it is possible.



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