
This is NOT a NFS or Portmapper problem.  You aren't getting that
far yet.

Are you just getting dots forever ?  It is normal to get several lines
of dots, but then the kernel should kick in and start producing lots
of messages.

Do you have a file called "vmlinuz.ltsp" in the /tftpboot/lts 
directory ?

There is some confusion.  Actually, the kernel is usually called
/tftpboot/lts/vmlinuz-2.4.9-ltsp-6  So, your filename entry
in the /etc/dhcpd.conf file should be "/lts/vmlinuz-2.4.9-ltsp-6". 

Do this on the server:   netstat -an | grep ":69 "
You should get a line back starting with 'udp'.

If not, then tftp isn't enabled properly.

What do yo have in your /etc/hosts.allow file ?  You may be
getting blocked by that.  Check the IP addresses in that file.

How about iptables/ipchains ?
Do this on the server:

    iptables -L


    ipchains -L

If you get a message about 'No support for xxx in kernel', don't
worry, it means that you don't have one of those modules installed,
which is a good thing for LTSP.
Just make sure you don't see 'REJECTED' messages.

Well, give that all a try, and let us know the results.


Jim McQuillan

On Sat, 20 Apr 2002, Frosted_Duck wrote:

> I've gone threw the docs and can't seem to get anywhere... so please help... 
> let me start with a little info.. redhat 7.2, dhcp is working because the 
> client i has the ip that i gave it... the client is using 
> for the bootdisk.. tftp is installed... but i'm not sure that its working, i 
> did run ps -e | grep portmap and  ps -e | grep nfs both seem to be working... 
> mountd was shown with the nfs...  I"m guessing that tftp and/or nfs isn't 
> configed right.. I can't start the client to ltsp... I get loading 
>  not like this in the docs.. 
> i'm new to linux but if you point me the right way... most of the time i can 
> fix it... maybe some examples of file would help... thanks....
> Ben
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