Hello Philip,

        Try including this in your lts.conf file

                DISABLE_ACCESS_CONTROL = Y

        that will do the trick :)


----- Original Message -----
From: "Philip A. Roa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2002 2:50 PM
Subject: [Ltsp-discuss] Workstation running local_apps refused by Xserver

> Hi Everyone,
> I'm trying to workout an X application to run on a local_apps LTSP setup.
NIS and rsh server installed
> Upon running the following script: (modified from LTSP docs)
> ->Begin remote launch script---
> HOST=`echo $DISPLAY | awk -F: '{ print $1 }'`
> apppath=/usr/bin/myprogram
> rsh ${HOST} ${apppath} -display ${DISPLAY}
> ->End Launch script--
> gives the following errors:
> ->Begin error list ---
> Xlib: connection to "admin1_dev:0.0" refused by server
> Xlib: Client is not authorized to connect to Server
> myprogram: cannot connect to X server admin1_dev:0
> ->End error list ---
> Possible problems: (???)
> 1. Since the error is initially reported by Xlib, is this an Xserver
authorization problem?
>     where do i look for the config? in /opt/ltsp/i386/etc or /etc/X11/xdm?
Sorry, i'm not so familiar with
>    X.
> 2. I don't know if NIS is working but i tried doing:
>     bash# su mike
>     bash# rsh admin1_dev
>                  password: **********
>     [mike@admin1_dev mike]$
>     NIS and rsh seem fine here.
> Any help, leads, suggestions and ideas highly appreciated. Thanks. ;-)
> regards to all,
> phil
> *** Tale of the tape: ***
> Distro: Mandrake 8.1
> ltsp basic packg:
>   ltsp_core-3.0.0-1.i386.rpm
>   ltsp_kernel-3.0.3-0.i386.rpm
>   ltsp_x_core-3.0.1-1.i386.rpm
> Necessary packages installed:
>    ltsp_local_apps-3.0.0-0.i386.rpm
>    ypserv-1.3.12-3mdk.i586.rpm
>    rsh-0.17-5mdk.i586.rpm
> bash # echo $DISPLAY (gives "admin1_dev:0.0")
> ->Begin: /etc/exports
> <snip>
> #
> # The following entries need to be uncommented if you want
> # Local App support in ltsp
> #
> /home,no_root_squash)
> ## LTS-end ##
> ->End: /etc/exports
> ->Begin: /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/lts.conf
> #
> # Config file for the Linux Terminal Server Project (www.ltsp.org)
> #
> [Default]
>  SERVER        =
>  NIS_SERVER    =
>  NIS_DOMAIN    = "mydomain.com"
> <snip>
> #-------------------
> [admin1_dev]
>  XSERVER = auto
>  X_MODE_0 = 1024x768 65    1024 1032 1176 1344   768  771  777
 806 -hsync -
> vsync
> <snip>
>  LOCAL_APPS         = Y
>  RUNLEVEL           = 5
> <snip>
> ->End: /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/lts.conf
> ->Begin:->/etc/X11/xdm/xdm-config
> ! $XConsortium: xdm-conf.cpp /main/3 1996/01/15 15:17:26 gildea $
> DisplayManager.errorLogFile: /var/log/xdm-error.log
> DisplayManager.pidFile: /var/run/xdm.pid
> DisplayManager.keyFile: /etc/X11/xdm/xdm-keys
> DisplayManager.servers: /etc/X11/xdm/Xservers
> DisplayManager.accessFile: /etc/X11/xdm/Xaccess
> # DisplayManager.requestPort: 0
> ! All displays should use authorization, but we cannot be sure
> ! X terminals will be configured that way, so by default
> ! use authorization only for local displays :0, :1, etc.
> DisplayManager._0.authorize: true
> DisplayManager._1.authorize: true
> ! The following three resources set up display :0 as the console.
> DisplayManager._0.setup: /etc/X11/xdm/Xsetup_0
> DisplayManager._0.startup: /etc/X11/xdm/GiveConsole
> DisplayManager._0.reset: /etc/X11/xdm/TakeConsole
> DisplayManager._0.startAttempts: 1
> !
> DisplayManager*resources: /etc/X11/xdm/Xresources
> DisplayManager*session: /etc/X11/xdm/Xsession
> DisplayManager*authComplain: false
> ## LTS-begin ##
> #
> # The lines between the 'LTS-begin' and the 'LTS-end' were added
> # on: Mon Apr 15 09:49:40 PHT 2002 by the ltsp installation script.
> # For more information, visit the ltsp homepage
> # at http://www.ltsp.org
> #
> DisplayManager.*.setup:     /etc/X11/xdm/Xsetup_workstation
> ## LTS-end ##
> ->End: /etc/X11/xdm/xdm-config
> ->Begin: /etc/X11/xdm/Xservers
> <snip>
> # you can add them here as well.  Each X terminal line should
> # look like:
> # XTerminalName:0 foreign
> #
> :0 local /usr/X11R6/bin/X -deferglyphs 16
> ->End: /etc/X11/xdm/Xservers
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