On Thu, 30 May 2002 23:48:47 +0200, "Hans Ekbrand" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > I'll partially agree with that, but there still isn't a desktop app where 
> > the Linux version is better than the Windows version.
> There are many reasonable definitions on "better" that make that
> statement not true.

    I agree; having features like lerning and a dancing paperclip mean little when you 
keep getting "General Protection Faults" and incessant rebooting doesn't stop it. (!)
> > OpenOffice can't do as much (or as fast) as MS Office;
> Indeed, but in many ways it is nevertheless "better". Personally I
> have to use MS Word for a specific document with more advanced layout
> requirements, but I have found, when working on other documents, the
> UI of OpenOffice to be more intuitive (making me more productive) in
> many ways. It runs like bloated pig, though.

    ...and let's not forget all the "improvements" they make from version to version. 
Laughable, really, considering their only purpose is to change the file formats that 
you can save/load so as to 'suggest' that other people upgrade to your version.  If 
this ever starts happening in OpenSource, I'm joining a militia.  :)

> > Mozilla is almost as good as IE, 
> Many would say that Mozilla is superiour to IE. Again, it's a matter of
> what you find important (how you define "better").

    I've gotta tell ya: I'm a Netscape guy, myself.  And the latest versions of Galeon 
and Sylpheed are a LOT more stable, a lot smaller (as far as I can tell; they're more 
nimble, anyway) and easier to deal with.  Notice the extraneous header on this message 
meant to...inform...LookOut! users to upgrade.  ;)

    I've been back and fourth; I'm no new kid on the block. By accepting any ONE app 
from Redmond, you're accepting the entire circus of viruses, scams (both from evil 
emailers and Redmond, itself) as well as the haunting feeling that the Fed could be 
sleeping outside your door for all the copies of Access you've handed out over the 

    It's time to be men...free men.  These are the top complaints:

    1. It's new. I don't wanna learn it. (As if it still took a Ph.d to open files!)

    Yep.  And one day Windows 95 was new.  Nothing stopped you then.

    2. It doesn't (perfectly) interface with other people sending me doc files.

    Yep.  And wait another 6 months, and neither will your current version of Word.

    3. I don't want to learn how to be 'root'.

    Then you shouldn't be.  I'll set it up, and keep the root password so that you 
never have to fight with the details. For Free. Besides, we're all on the net, right?

    4. It can't be better; it's free.

    Let me take you on your first step into a larger, free-er world...
Brian Fahrländer              Linux Zealot, Conservative, and Technomad
Evansville, IN                    My Voyage: http://www.CounterMoon.com
ICQ  5119262
AOL: WheelDweller 
Yahoo: WheelDweller           Me: http://www.kamakiriad.com/aboutme.html


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