
As for your vague memory about a limited number of logons,
could you be referring to the default configuration of xfs
to only spawn 10 daemons?  Jim says you can just up the
limit in the config file.

As for the file-max, there is another parameter you might
want up bump up, inode-max!

I also toyed with KDE 3.0 when it was first released
(haven't tried 3.0.1 yet) and had problems with dcopserver.
 DCOP is the IPC daemon for KDE apps.  Sorry, but I don't
have a quick fix.  I just switched back to 2.2.2.  I think
I'm waiting for 3.3.3.  :-)


> Date: Fri, 31 May 2002 09:02:03 -0700
> From: Marcus Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I've been re-working an LTSP server from the ground up
for a friend that I initially set up long ago. I'm running
into two problems that I once was able to solve with help
from this list, yet I can't find the messages in the list
> Specifically, I have RedHat 7.3 w/KDE 3.0 running on a
dual-Athlon system with 3.5 gigs of RAM and LTSP 3.0.4.
> My first problem is a vague memory about RedHat systems
only being able to export a small number of X-sessions by
default. I remember that after adding ten users or so the
system would begin to crash all the time. Does this ring a
bell with
> anyone? I already set the file-max option to 65535 in the
/etc/rc.d/rc.local file. I thought this had more to do with
some xconfig stuff.
> My second problem is that late last night after getting
the system re-installed, I successfully had one single
client log in to the system. When I walked back to the
server I couldn't launch any programs from the server and I
would get a rush of
> errors saying I had problems with the dcopserver.
> The last time I received the dcopserver errors I had over
a dozen people using the system at any given time. This
time it happened after just one login on a remote client.
When I logged into the client, I didn't even run any
applications. I just
> logged in to see if I could and then logged out.
> Thanks for any help. I dig the expertise on this list.


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