On Mon, 3 Jun 2002 08:28:28 +1000, "Katsonis, Dennis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> > 8086's are still usefull machines and I would hate to see any thrown out.
> > I have no dought that an 8086, even with 640K or less of ram would make a
> > tireless and efficient text terminal.  They are actaully, I have found,
> > quite reliable, and because there is little to them, no much seems to
> > break down, so they are in a sense, almost perfect for this type of work.

    Sure, that's true; the 'dumb' terminals (such as the vt100, wyse60, etc) all use 
*8-bit* processors like the Z80.  The 8086 for such an application is really overkill.

    Did you know that, even today, there are applications for the 300 baud modems?  
They use'em in tank farms and oil wells.  They only transmit about 80 characters a 
day, never have any problem on noisy lines, so who cares about V.90?


    Sure, you could wire-wrap something to be your terminal, etc, but there might be a 
better way.  They make flat "dumb" terminals that have ethernet connections and can be 
configured in NVRAM, so they're ALL hardware (no programs to load, or MISload).  And 
they work with all the same periphials so they're easy to change out the monitor, 
keyboards, etc.  Sweet machines, but kinda pricey.  I'll bet eBay has some cheaper...

    Now, there's another possibility...there a fine chap on eBay selling refurbed 
486's that are built to be whatever you want. Some people even say he's a nice guy!  :)

    I set the bid price to be enough to cover the cost of the posting...that's 


    They'd be PERFECT for this application, since you can set the fonts to be 
higher-res and all...

Brian Fahrländer              Linux Zealot, Conservative, and Technomad
Evansville, IN                    My Voyage: http://www.CounterMoon.com
ICQ  5119262
AOL: WheelDweller 
Yahoo: WheelDweller           Me: http://www.kamakiriad.com/aboutme.html


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