Does anyone out there have some advice they could share with me on
security?  My first real exposure to linux was this summer when we decided
to go all out and run all our school's dorm computers as LTSP stations... 

Specifically my concern is this:  On all our the PCs (yes, I'm paranoid,
and yes it's been justified many times over :) in our system i have used
registry hacks to hide the C: drive, disable command prompts, etc... This
year especially we have actually had THREATS from students to try and hack
our servers.  The gall!  

Anyway i don't want to make it easy for them, and with an LTSP system,
what scares me, is that they can (and I am 100% certain some of them will
try, they're smart kids) and use open office to follow any paths they can
through the filesystem and systematically see what they can read... if i
don't have the right permissions on a single file these kids will find it.

I guess maybe what I'm asking is what can I chmod 770 (?) to lock it down;
the less they can read of my config files the better... I don't want to do
something however like chmod 770 /etc and then have my system not startup!

I guess open ports scare me to, but the file thing has really got me the
most-- i haven't met any kids (well maybe one) that know what a port is.
Appreciate any pointers, even on security in general.  T.I.A.

David M. Leuser, II
Assistant Network Administrator
New Hampton School
(603) 744-3182 x121
"Picture the root account as a magic hat that gives you lots of power,
with which you can, by waving your hands, create or destroy entire cities.
Because it is easy to wave your hands in a destructive manner, it is not a
good idea to wear the magic hat when it is not needed, despite the
wonderful feeling. " -- Gnome User's Guide

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