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Subject: time to upgrade
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2002 16:22:32 -0700
From: Brent Hasty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Robin Gordon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I just upgraded my terminal server, was wondering if you were interested, or
know anyone who might be interested in my old iron.

It is a HP Kayak XU with dual 450MHz Intel Xeon (server processors) each has
512K L2 cashes, 512 MB of ECC sdram, a 9gig SCSI Seagate cheta hard drive
spinning at 10,000, Dual network cards, sound, CD, USB, raidport card, dual
channel SCSI (~30 devices), and more

I can deliver this server as a preconfigured terminal server or other, with
these options;  8 gig DAT tape backup + around 30 tapes, a 21" monitor and
AGP card, additional ultrafast SCSI harddrives, win4lin, CD burner, and other
custom configurations and hardware.

This is a real serious computer, a real fast computer, capeable of running
hundred(s) of users at once on inexpensive diskless terminals. It crunches
seti packets 2 every 14 hours. It has recorded uptime on the scale of months.
I can recommend this to anny one in search of power with reliability.

This is an upgrade opportunity not to be missed, let me know if you are


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