Hello All!

A preface to explain my environment:  We currently use LTSP to run the Citrix ICA 
client.  Our LTSP clients never connect to an X Server other then themselves.  When we 
launch Xfree86, instead of connecting to an X Server, we launch a script which waits 
for input and then runs the ica client.  I would like to have the option of launching 
tn5250 instead.
Tn5250 works fine on our RedHat 7.1 server.  I compiled tn5250 on the server.  Then I 
copied it to the ltsp directory.  I ran it to check for libraries that it needed and 
then copied them into the ltsp directory as well.  Now when I try to run tn5250 on the 
LTSP client I get this error:

 Error opening terminal: xterm

if I try to run xt5250, I get:


I experimented a little.  my SHELL environment variable is set to /bin/false by 
default.  In order to open an xterm window, I either have to use 
 xterm -e /bin/bash 
 export SHELL=/bin/bash

Any ideas?

Abraham Pearson 
Network Administrator 
ext. 3671 

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