-----Forwarded Message-----

From: Gideon Romm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Peter Billson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Ltsp-discuss] OT: Symbio Technologies
Date: 04 Aug 2003 10:55:07 -0400


I apologize for the misunderstanding.  My name is Gideon Romm, and I am
a representative of Symbio Technologies.  We did not mean for you to
take our email as a solicitation, or for you to infer that we are
harvesting email addresses off the list in any way!  

We had noticed your posting at one point that said that you were a New
Jersey company, supporting LTSP in local libraries here.  We are a NY/NJ
based company, as well, and we had written to you to find out more about
how we might be able to help you.  

Our company's mission is to help proliferate the amount of
LTSP-compatable hardware available on the market so that comapnies,
organizations, and IT folk can have a wider selection of workstations
and pre-configured servers to choose from, so that LTSP technology can
be adopted more quickly and by more people around the world.  

We would like very much to see LTSP succeed, and are trying to do our
part to contribute to the cause by networking with manufacturers,
designers, and distributors around the world.

In short, I apologize sincerely if you were offended by our email.  I
want to assure the group that we emailed Peter offline directly, merely
because our question pertained specifically to his New Jersey company.

Very sincerely,


On Thu, 2003-07-31 at 07:48, Peter Billson wrote:
> Hello *,
>   This slightly off topic but I'm wondering if any of you have received
> email solicitations from Symbio Technologies i.e. offering LTSP
> hardware.
>   I am trying to determine if the one I received is a single lapse in
> judgment or if they are harvesting email addresses from this list.
>   A previous post from Symbio to this list stated (I'm paraphrasing
> here) that buying from them supported LTSP just the same way as buying
> from DisklessWorkstations.com, so I'm a bit suspect of their ethics.
> Pete
Gideon Romm | Founder     [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Symbio Technologies                     o:(914) 576-1205
134 North Ave, Suites E&F               f:(914) 576-0944 
New Rochelle, NY 10801                  c:(914) 774-4688


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