As to the security question, in a home setting that is almost overkill. I have seen indusrty setups less secured. For the hardware, I would reccomend upgrading the client ram to 64megs and good vid cards are a must.

Evan hazzmat wrote:
I have a couple of questions about good choices for an LTSP setup.
First, the site in question now has an old p133 acting as pppoe adsl router/firewal to the internet for windows systems and also it is a DHCP + DNS server.

I would like to retask that p133 as a terminal in an LTSP network and replace it with a 4u rackmount box that will do both the previous PPPOE gateway tasks and also be an LTSP server.

Here' s my plan in very sketchy terms. The current network of windows clients will stay as it is. It will remain on a net. and it will keep its present 10base t hub. This will connect to the LTSP server on eth1.

The LTSP network consisting of 3 new diskless clients will be a net, and will connect through a 100base-t switch to the LTSP server on eth2.

eth0 will be the connection to the ISP supplied DSL "modem", as it is now with the old p133 router.

Is there some reason why separating these networks like this and firewalling them off from each other, and also firewalling off the sensitive services like tftp of the LTSP server from the internet is not sufficient security for a home network?

I just don't want to tell the people who will use this that they need one PC for PPPOE and firewall/routing *and* a whole new one with a huge kilowatt gulping powersupply to accomplish this task. The clients of the LTSP network will all be old PC's with 100 watt ps each. But start plugging in a bunch of 300 - 350 watt systems and before long you'll notice the impact on your utility bill. I also don't want to tell them they need to buy a whole new dedicated hardware router like a Linksys, et al. I don't even know if there is a model that would do what I want (having separate subnets in the home lan). If there is, it ain't gonna be cheap I suspect.
Being able to retask the current router system as a diskless client and use the new LTSP server to do its job *plus* serve up applications and desktops would be a suave selling point, showing that the previous investment ($30 plus a cheap network card!) will keep on paying off with oversized functionality relative to its initial purchase price.) and that the new investment will likely do the same.

That's question number one. I have some hardware questions too.

Question number two is: for 3 kids running OpenOffice to do their written reports, GAIM instant messaging, Firebird/Mozilla as the browser, and maybe KDE3 as a supporting desktop environment, is a single cpu server going to be enough juice? The hardware I'm considering is approx. :
AMD XP2100+ cpu
768 MB DDR 333 ram
1 7200 rpm system disk
2 7200 rpm disks for /home in raid 1 configuration. (around 120 Gig capacity ea.) Highpoint 1520 rocketraid controller probably.
LTSP network on 100base-t cards and switch

(the clients would be old p166 and p133 desktops with 32 mb ram --possibly expansion cards for video if good ones can be gotten really cheaply. Possibly also sound cards)

I have no experience with LTSP and I just don't know how having two users logged in simultaneously, one doing a bookreport and another doing instant messenging, and perhaps a third with open but inactive applications, would load a system with this kind of specs. I don't think I can sell the idea of a dual cpu machine, strictly on cost considerations.

Also, I can get S3 Savage IX pci video cards for cheap which promises to be better than the builtin S3 trio video chipset in the desktop systems, which are limited to 16 bit video. Does anyone know how well these S3 Savage IX cards work in Xfree86 and LTSP? Are there other cheap full color cards that others would recommend? Likewise on sound, are there any really cheap sound cards that are easy to use with LTSP sound packages?

Thanks for any guidance, particularly success stories on cheap, well-supported, and available hardware!

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