
ok i get sound working with esd instead of nas, but the sound is very
quietly. The user can't access to /dev/mixer, so i assume that i need
change the devfsd.conf

LOOKUP          snd          MODLOAD ACTION snd
LOOKUP          dsp          MODLOAD
LOOKUP          mixer        MODLOAD
LOOKUP          midi         MODLOAD
REGISTER        sound/.*     PERMISSIONS root.audio 660
REGISTER        snd/.*       PERMISSIONS root.audio 660

but, the group does not exist, so i changed the 660 to 666 and audio to
root. But it doesn't work. The rights does not change (sure, i
uncommented the two lines for restore the permissions and settings)

        MODULE_01       = mga
        XSERVER         = mga
        SOUND              = Y
        SOUND_DAEMON       = esd   # This can be 'nasd', or 'esd' at
                                #this time
        VOLUME             = 100 # Speaker & WAVE volume pecentage
        MIC_VOLUME         = 100 # Microphone volume
        CD_VOLUME          = 75  # CD Audio volume

the module was compiled in the kernel (ad1816).

any suggestions?

cu denny

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