
Am Fr, den 14.05.2004 schrieb Romain Surleau um 13:58:

> RCFILE_01 = "rmedia"
> RMEDIA_DEV01_NAME = "floppy"
> RMEDIA_DEV01_PATH = "/dev/floppy/0"
> RMEDIA_DEV02_NAME = "cdrom"
> RMEDIA_DEV02_PATH = "/dev/cdroms/cdrom0"
> Then each client has access to his CD/Floppy with gftp (host : name of
> the client, user anonymous). Remote path : /rmedia/floppy and
> /rmedia/cdrom. I have written the paths at the end of ~/.gftp/gftprc ,so
> the users don't have to type it on the keyboard.

i installed the rmedia package by hand and i want to access the cdrom,
but if i access ftp://ws107/cdrom, then he does not accept the anonymous
account/password. Where stores rmedia the passwords? is it in

i have LTSP 4.0

cu denny

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