Alright, this may be crazy.  Here is my situation:  We are using LTSP with 
about 180 PC's which vary from a 75 mhz 16 MB PC with onboard video to a 1000 mhz 256 
MB PC with a TNT Nvidia video card.  I would like to upgrade to LTSP v4 in order to 
take advantage of the new features and in order to be current with the rest of the 
LTSP community.  
        I installed LTSP 4 on one of our server for testing purposes.  It works great 
for most of our clients, but does not work well on PC's with older video cards (video 
blaster and cirrus logic are examples) or with less than 30 MB of RAM.  While I 
recognize that we will eventually have to replace these older PC's I do not have them 
scheduled for replacement in this year's budget.  After all, that is part of the 
reason why we are using LTSP, so we can continue to use our old PC's.
        I am thinking that maybe we can upgrade most of the property and leave only 
the older PC's on LTSP3.  In order to do this I think that we could add a parameter to 
lts.conf specifying whether to use ltsp 3 or ltsp 4.  Then, if the client needs to use 
ltsp 3 we can do a second chroot and point the pc to an ltsp 3 nfs root.  If someone 
can think of a better way or solution, I am open for suggestions.
        Here are the changes that I have made so far in my test rc.sysinit:

# rc.sysinit
# This script will setup the environment for a diskless workstation, as
# part of the Linux Terminal Server Project (
PATH=/bin:$PATH; export PATH
. /etc/ltsp_functions

#This is a test to see if we can mount to root2 and
# do a pivot root.  We shall see!
#Abraham Pearson 07/09/2004
echo "We are ready to try mounting root2"
sleep 30
mount -t nfs -o nolock /tmp
sleep 30
echo "We are ready to try a pivot root to root2"
sleep 10
cd /tmp
pivot_root . oldroot
echo "We are now ready for a chroot"
sleep 10
exec chroot . sh -c '/bin/sleep 10; umount /oldroot;\
                    /sbin/mke2fs -q -m0 /dev/ram1 ${RAMDISK_SIZE};\
                    /bin/sleep 10;\
                    /bin/mount -n /dev/ram1 /tmp ;\
                    /bin/sleep 20;
                    exec /sbin/init 5' #\
                    # </dev/console >/dev/console 2>&1
echo "Done with the pivot root"

Here are the errors that I get when I try to run this:

umount: Cannot open /proc/mounts
umount: /oldroot: Device or resource busy.
mke2fs ....(I didn't copy the version etc.)
Could not stat /dev/ram1 -- no such file or directory.
The device apparently does no exist; you did not specify it correctly.
NFS: mount program didn't pass remote address.
mount: Mounting /dev/ram1 on /tmp failed: invalid argument.
init: cannot create /etc/initrunlvl

Does anyone have any ideas on how to do this?

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