
On Wed, 28 Jul 2004 08:53:03 +0200
Nicolas Ecarnot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > With "filter some access" you mean blocking the internet access fore
> > 
> > some users?  [...]
> > Or you mean blocking some URLs?
> I meant *both*, and that is why this seems hard for me.
> The "quality surfing" issue is resolved by some squiguard research.
> But I don't understand how one can completely block some port for 
> *users* on another host (the firewall) that has no knowledge of things
> as users ???

I've haven't played around much with iptables, but Linux being what it
is there's probably some crazy hack out there for this. But in any
event, is there a reason that you can't just run iptables on the
terminal server? That seems a lot easier and the overhead shouldn't be
too high. If user = naughty user, then block 80 out. If user =
semi-naughty user, then redirect 80 out to squid, else = leave the
packets alone. Since you say that you have a lot of terminals, you'd
probably want the squid server to be a separate box, but for a little
network it could even be all in one place.

(And Hi! to the list - been lurking for a while and playing around with
LTSP. Good stuff...)

Todd Pytel

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