On Fri, Sep 10, 2004 at 04:19:41AM +0200, Krzysztof Gozdziewski wrote:
> I have a problem with PXE rom for D-LINK 538TX.
> I have got the PXE bootstrap image  for rtl8139 chip from rom-o-matic 
> site (etherboot 5.2.5), burned it into 27C256 EPROM and ... nothing.
> After that, I burned two copies of the rom under addresses
> 0000 and 4000 - also nothing.
> rom-scan utility says, that the checksum is wrong.
> Then I tried the "normal" etherboot - it works perfectly
> (the netboot is enabled on the NIC, of course)
> What is wrong? Does anybody succeeded with PXE rom on this NIC?

Did you enable the boot ROM socket using the floppy disk which comes
with the card?  We had to do this to get our D-LINK RTL8139D cards to
work.  It's a drag to keep a windoze boot disk around just to run the
DOS rset8139 utility.

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