
How about telling us what your terminal is ?

What cpu, how much ram, what kind of network card, etc...

And, if the 3.0.13 kernel works for you, you can go ahead and use that, even with LTSP-4.1.

As for the 99% problem, i've seen that before. The package is actually fully installed, it's just the way the progress indicator is calculating the percentage that needs to be fixed.

Jim McQuillan

On Sun, 12 Sep 2004, Radek Bursztynowski wrote:

Hi everybody,

This is my first visit on this mailing list, so let me welcome

I started my adventure with ltsp two months ago, so my experience with
this service is really small. Fortunately I configured one server with
ltsp 3 and I maintain it. But I decided to raise the next one with ltsp
4.1. So I prepared whole configuration and I started the client. The
client started, received IP address from dhcp server and loaded the
kernel. During this operation I received theses messages on the client

  Loading initrd-2.4.26-ltsp-2.gz
  Uncompressing Linux... OK, booting the kernel

and the client is stopped.

I tried to solve this problem, and this is the list of my trials:
 - configuration on other server - the same result as above,
 - the trial with ltsp 3: when I use ltsp_kernel-3.0.15-i386 - the same
result; when I use on ltsp 3 ltsp_kernel-3.0.13-i386 everything is OK.

Within installation process with ltsp 4.1 I noted that installation of
every package is done with 100%, excluding kernel package, which is
finished with 99% only. So I downloaded kernel package directly from
http://www.ltsp.org/ltsp-4.1/ and installed it, but the result is the
same as above.

I can add, that I tested ltsp 4.1 on two different servers, but using
the same client machine. But this client machine works with ltsp 3 and
ltsp_kernel-3.0.13-i386 package. In addition my servers run on Linux
Aurox: the first one using Aurox 9.1 with 2.4.20-19.9 kernel, and the
second one using Aurox 10.0 with 2.6.7-10.0.aur.9 kernel. On the firs
server with Aurox 9.1 runs ltsp 3 very stable.

What can I do to solve my problem.

Many thanks for any help.
Best regards,

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