
You have an extra ';' there in your dhcp config.  Change:
option; domain-name paradise.net.nz;
option domain-name paradise.net.nz;

Mark Saward

Adam Bogacki wrote:

Thanks .. it booted successfully with 'eb-5.2.5-rtl8139.zdsk' using CONFIG_PCI_DIRECT but could not find dhcp.
The client has an onboard NIC I was unaware of when I inserted the PCI network card .

I'd like to eliminate the possibility of incorrect config before trying tlan:netflex3b, or pcnet32:lancepci floppies from rom-o-matic.
Can you see if anything is misconfigured ?

[Successful] WinXP->WIn98 config:

SubNet Mask
Gateway               (Null)

SubNet Mask

[LTSP config]

I'm not familiar with dhcp - my ISP uses static (BOOTP ?) DNS allocation.
Can you see any  mis-configs in  /etc/dhcpd.conf ?

I'm getting the following error messages

Tux:/etc# dhcpd start
/etc/dhcpd.conf line 8: expecting identifier after option keyword.
/etc/dhcpd.conf line 8: expecting a parameter or declaration.
option; domain-name
/etc/dhcpd.conf line 92: unexpected end of file

My ' /etc/dhcpd.conf'  includes

option; domain-name paradise.net.nz;
option domain-name-servers tux.paradise.net.nz;

option subnet-mask;
default-lease-time 21600;
max-lease-time 21600;


host tux {
#  hardware ethernet 08:00:07:26:c0:a5;
  fixed-address tux.paradise.net.nz;


#host confusia {
#  hardware ethernet 02:03:04:05:06:07;
#  filename "vmunix.confusia";
#  server-name "bb.home.vix.com";

My /etc/hosts includes       localhost   tux.paradise.net.nz Tux mail.paradise.net.nz loghost     Tux Gateway     client Misia


::1     ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
fe00::0 ip6-localnet
ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
ff02::3 ip6-allhosts
## LTSP-begin ##

and my  /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/lts.conf includes

 SERVER             =
        XSERVER            = auto
        X_MOUSE_PROTOCOL   = "PS/2"
        X_MOUSE_DEVICE     = "/dev/psaux"
        X_MOUSE_RESOLUTION = 400
        X_MOUSE_BUTTONS    = 3
        USE_XFS            = N
        LOCAL_APPS         = N
        RUNLEVEL           = 5


#        DNS_SERVER         =
        XSERVER            = auto
        LOCAL_APPS         = N
#       LOCAL_WM           = N
#       NIS_DOMAIN         = MISIA
#       NIS_SERVER         = ltsp
        USE_NFS_SWAP       = Y
        SWAPFILE_SIZE      = 48m
        RUNLEVEL           = 5


PRINTER_0_DEVICE = /dev/ttyS1
PRINTER_0_TYPE = S # P-Parallel, S-Serial
PRINTER_0_PORT = 9100 # tcp/ip port: defaults to 9100
PRINTER_0_SPEED = 9600 # baud rate: defaults to 9600
PRINTER_0_FLOWCTRL = S # Flow control: S-Software (XON/XOFF),
# H-Hardware (CTS/RTS)
PRINTER_0_PARITY = N # Parity: N-None, E-Even, O-Odd
# (defaults to 'N')
PRINTER_0_DATABITS = 8 # Databits: 5,6,7,8 (defaults to 8)


John A. Smith wrote:

I'm not sure if I'm understanding you correctly or not . . . I assume you are trying to boot off a floppy and you are using a pci nic, not the onboard nic. Booting from floppy should be allowed by default in any older machine (since that was how the os could be reloaded), so I don't think you should have to change anything in bios to allow that. More likely, you have a bad disk image. Have you tried one from rom-o-matic? Go to:


If you can't find the model you need, select etherboot-pci:all-pci-drivers , then click Configure. Check the box beside the CONFIG_PCI_DIRECT and then the Get Rom button. Copy the image to a floppy using cat eb-downloadedimagename.zdsk > /dev/fd0. The pci-direct options gets around Compaq's messed up bios.

That said, you may have problems with the card finding dhcp or downloading the kernel if your machine has an onboard NIC. If it does have an onboard nic, you can try booting it using either the etherboot-pci, tlan:netflex3b, or pcnet32:lancepci floppies from rom-o-matic, configured with the CONFIG_PCI_DIRECT option.
If it boots, but the speed is not good enough, you will have to go to the link below and try to figure out which boot floppy you need to turn off the nic


I know one of these four service packs created a single setup disk that worked for me (sorry I can't remember which one): SP4711, SP8126, SP8424, SP15800.
Sorry for the length of the message, but HTH!

-john smith

----- Original Message -----
Adam Bogacki wrote:

Thanks, I've got etherboot and tomstrbt fd images but am having trouble working out the model number of the
Compaq Deskpro P1 whose BIOS I have to upgrade to enable booting from floppy. The above info is all I have.
Looking 'under the hood' I get the following serial numbers - which I think mainly relate to power supply.

BarCode: 7638BBC30271
CT: 805BB0B6JE22C0
Compaq Series PS2022

Do these ring a bell to anyone ?

Googling around, I think it may be the EN or EX series.

I might start with the oldest BIOS/boot drivers in each (sequentially) to see which works.

That's a lot of drivers.  Any better ideas ?


Adam Bogacki,

John A. Smith wrote:

Depending on what type of Deskpro it is, there may not be any onboard bios. If you can't get at a setup/diagnostic screen by pressing F10 after the memory test completes, you may either have to install a setup utility onto a diagnostic partion on the hd, or just run the utility off of a boot floppy. That's what I had to do with a Deskpro 4000 5133 earlier this week. I was able to boot to the floppy and run a setup utility to change IRQs and disable the onboard nic, but I don't remember if there was a way to change the boot order.

Anyway, here's a link to compaq's support site for deskpro machines. You should be able to download bios & firmware boot floppies for your machine.


john smith

----- Original Message ----- Adam Bogacki wrote:

Hi, I've provisionally configured the PIII server but cannot get into the BIOS to change boot order
on the Compaq DeskPro P1 client. F1, F10, and DEL during power-up don't work.
Googling around, I've come across references to upgrading the BIOS but attempts to download
and install new drivers have failed three times in the reboot phase - i.e., I download them to disk or desktop
but reboot fails with the message:
HIMEM: XMS Memory Manager Version 3.06
XMS Specification Version 3.0
High Memory Area Available 64KB
Minimum HMA residual size 0KB
Total XMS extended memory found 13560KB
Maximum extended memory blocks 32
While booting, I note that memory test finished at 98,304KB
which I assume is RAM.
I've also seen the designation SP22200 which means little to me at the moment.

If I can change BIOS I can use a live-CDdistro such as 'morphix-light' rather than
tomsrtbt - same BIOS problem applies - to use 'lspci -n' to determine PCI ID numbers.

...but is there perhaps another way to do this ?

I am using an ALLOY-1439XD 10/100Mbps Network Adapter in the client.
I have emailed tech support at <www.alloy.com.au> to get [vendor ID]:{device ID}
without reply.

Reading text in the LINUX file on the accompanying floppy tells me that the driver
can be compiled from
but I am unsure how to write the setting to the boot-ROM they supply.

Any ideas how to proceed ?

I've seen references to more basic computers being successfully set up under LTSP (386,486),
and think there must be a way to upgrade the Compaq BIOS.

For further detail, see the attached email to ALLOY tech support.

Adam Bogacki,

Hi, I recently bought and installed an ALLOY-1439XD 10/100Mbps PCI
Network Adapter in a PI Compaq Deskpro intending to use it as sole
client in a two machine home network. I was successful using
WinXP->Win98 but also wish to have dual-boot Linux capability.

Using Linux Terminal Server Project software (www.ltsp.org <http://www.ltsp.org>), I have
configured the server but need to have the PCI ID numbers in order to
choose an Etherboot driver for the Network card. I have had no success
in entering BIOS on the Deskpro (an early machine, apparently needing a
download to enable F10 &/or Delete for BIOS entry) but I thought that
you may be able to supply that information.


[root]# lspci -n | grep "Class 0200"

would give me something like


being   [Vendor ID]:[Device ID]

Can you give me this info for the ALLOY-1439XD ?


Adam Bogacki,

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-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- John A. Smith Director of Administration Breakthrough Urban Ministries 5243 N. Ashland Ave. Chicago, IL 60640-2001 PH: 773.989.4382, x230 FAX: 773.989.7329 http://www.breakthroughministries.com

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- John A. Smith Director of Administration Breakthrough Urban Ministries 5243 N. Ashland Ave. Chicago, IL 60640-2001 PH: 773.989.4382, x230 FAX: 773.989.7329 http://www.breakthroughministries.com

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