Hello all-
  For any one interested I ahve just finished a first draft of a howto
for the LBE. It is sketchy in places, like the complete list of what
all the variables do an which are required in the package.def. But I
think it should be able to get some one up and running with it at
least enough to start experimenting. Please point out bugs, uglys and
place where it is just plain wrong.

# Version 0.1 by Evan Hisey 11-21-2004

                LBE USAGE README

Quick and dirty usage:
1: Download CVS
2: Change to lbe/ directory
3: Run ./build_all; go get coffee
4: mkdir lbe/ltsp-src/yourpkg 
5: create package.def in yourpkg dir.
6: In ltsp-src run ./build --only=yourpkg

Now for the details:
You will need to get the current LBE source from CVS. It is available at: 

cvs -d :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/local/cvsroot checkout -r LTSP-4_1_0 lbe
The CVS should give you a directory called lbe/. Cd to lbe/ and run 
./build-all. This will build the LBE toolchain and environment. Go get the 
beverage of choice and consider watching tv 'cus it is going to take a while.(~ 
3hrs. on a P4-2.5ghz)

NOTICE>> You will get errors when it tries to build the kernel. Currently the 
kernel build is not correctly automated. So at the moment you can not build the 
full LTSP due to kernel and initrd. 

Now you should have a complete LBE toolchain to work with. Lets walkt throught 
creating an app called foo-1.2. Step one is to create the package directory in 
LBE. Change to the lbe/ltsp-src. Here you would create a directory called foo. 
In the directory called foo you would create a file called package.def (see 
Sec. 3). This file would contain all the information need to build package foo. 
A basic package.def file for foo would look like this:

        # package.def file for building a package in the LTSP build enviroment
        PKG1    = foo-1.2
        MD5SUM1 = 234235sdf34fwer34234r2w3e
        SOURCE1 = ftp://ftp.bar.baz/${PKG1}
        UNPACK = bunzip2 < ${TARBALL} | tar xf -
        BUILDIR = foo-build
        SOURCEDIR = foo-1.2
        CONFIGURE = ../${SOURCEDIR}/configure --prefix=/usr
        BUILD = make all
        INSTALL = make install
        CLEAN = rm -rf  ${BUILDIR} ${SOURCEDIR}
        #  EOF

Then from the ltsp-src/ directory you would run ./build --only=foo. If you want 
to make clean rebuild you would run ./build --only=foo --clean, followed by 
./build --only=foo once more. There you have it your own LTSP package located 
in lbe/packages.

 The biggest gotcha is that any tool need to build a package must be in the LBE 
directory. the LBE ./build script use chroot extensively in build the packages. 
You do this in the same way as you build in the ltsp-src directory to be sure 
all the linked libraries are in sync.

   Important thing to remember is that the name is lowercase. The LBE ./build 
command provides a few environment variables for you to make live easier: 
${TARBALL} which is the downloaded source archive; ${CPUS} which is the number 
of cpus present for parallel builds

        PKG1    < archive name
        MD5SUM1  < MD5 checksum for package
        SOURCE1  < download source for archive
        UNPACK < how to unpack archive  
        BUILDIR < name for build directory
        SOURCEDIR  < unpacked source code directory  
        CONFIGURE  < configure command 
        BUILD < build command
        INSTALL < install command
        CLEAN  < how to clean up the build

TODO:add what all the variables are and do.

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