Le mar 30/11/2004 à 14:45, Oxiel Contreras a écrit :
> Hello Thomas:
> I've just solved it with LTSP 4.1 and SuSE9.1, working with KDE, it shoudn't 
> be difficult to change it for GNOME. I warn you, it's not the best solution, 
> in fact it's not a good solution but at least it's working now, i'm out of 
> time so i'll fix it later.
                < snip >
> With this method, the vnc server it's started in the client, only when you 
> need it, and, the "xhos +localhost " that each user executes when login in, 
> is , i think, safer than DISABLE_ACCESS_CONTROL.

it is a very nice solution, i did not think about starting vnc server
via ssh when needing it.

a few thing you should improve:
use ssh keys so you don't have to bother with password files.
create a special user that will be able to ssh to the station to launch
the vnc server, dont use root.

for this purpose, i have created a user called vnc, copied ssh public
key in ~vnc/.ssh/authorized_keys.

i have modified your script as followed:

#! /bin/sh
test -z "$1" && echo "Please type your client's IP/name .." && exit 1
ssh -l vnc -L 5900:localhost:5900 $client 'export
DISPLAY=:0.0;/usr/X11R6/bin/x11vnc -display :1 -shared -localhost'&
sleep 3
vncviewer localhost
exit 0

anyway, thanks for this nice job

> Hope to help, and waiting for any comments, suggestions, reproachs from all 
> gurus at the list.
> Thanks for such a great software as is LTSP!!!!!!
> Greetings from Bolivia

-- Thomas Constans --

04 78 68 17 34

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