Well I'm not sure if its your configuration file but one of your usernames have a / on it.

I would suggest using SubMount. (subfs) Because even when Automount is working you need to cd into the directory first i believe.

On Tue, 25 Jan 2005, Henrik [iso-8859-1] Ormåsen wrote:

This is my problem:

I get access to the clients floppy, and cd by ie. running:
smb://[EMAIL PROTECTED] in nautilus, but autofs doesn't mount the shares:

# /etc/init.d/autofs status
Configured Mount Points:
/usr/sbin/automount --timeout=60 /misc file /etc/auto.misc

Active Mount Points:
/usr/sbin/automount --pid-file=/var/run/autofs/_misc.pid --timeout=60
/misc file /etc/auto.misc

# ls -la /misc
total 1
drwxr-xr-x   2 root root    0 Jan 25 17:19 .
drwxr-xr-x  29 root root 1024 Jan 25 17:19 ..

My /etc/auto.misc : ws035cd -fstype=smbfs,workgroup=LTSP,guest ://ws035/cdrom ws035fl -fstype=smbfs,workgroup=LTSP,fmask=666,dmask=777,guest,username\=nobody,rw ://ws035/floppy ws028fl -fstype=smbfs,workgroup=sosau,fmask=666,dmask=777,guest,usernam\e=nobody,rw ://ws028/floppy

/misc /etc/auto.misc --timeout=60

Uses debian testing, kernel: 2.4.24

Somebody have a clue, to help me here?


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