  Maybe we can talk Jim in to adding a CVS branch for the documents. I
also want to document this from the ground up. My biggest issue with
4.1 has been the difficulty in finding the information I needed, and
then with the LBE having to go to Jim for things that really needed to
be document, thus taking time that he could have been getting 4.2
ready with :).


On Wed, 02 Mar 2005 13:45:04 -0500, David Trask
> Jim,
> I like that idea, because in many cases my machines have the local
> horsepower to do many things...in particular run Firefox and flash...that
> would be my biggest thing.  So far that's my achilles heel on my
> system....since Firefox and flash-plugin eats up CPU cycles like they're
> going out of style.  If I could shift the work to the local
> terminals...then I'd be a freaking hero.  Everything else is fine....OO
> takes a while to load, but once loaded...it's fine.
> I feel fortunate that I was there when you and Scott first were joking
> about "MueKow"...from everything I'm reading...MueKow sounds like an
> excellent idea...and "should" (computer guys famous words) work.  the
> concept is sound and the idea makes sense.  Before we know it, LTSP could
> be as much a part of any distro much like Samba is now.  (Don't tell
> Terpstra or we'll be doing another drunken chant like we did a couple
> weeks ago....Linux s*cks....everyone in)  ;-)   Let me know how I can
> help...remember, my strong point is documentation  ;-)
> "Support list for opensource software in schools." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on
> Wednesday, March 02, 2005 at 8:39 AM +0000 wrote:
> >On Wed, 2 Mar 2005, David Trask wrote:
> >
> >> Just making sure I understand what you mean by locally....you mean pull
> >> the app down the pipe and use the terminals resources to run the app?
> >
> >Yep, that's exactly right.
> >
> >Jim McQuillan
> David N. Trask
> Technology Teacher/Coordinator
> Vassalboro Community School
> (207)923-3100
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