Flash works fine here:

Debian testing server:
# cat /proc/version
Linux version ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (gcc version 3.3.5 (Debian
1:3.3.5-8)) #2 SMP Tue Mar 15 18:21:09 CET 2005

Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7.6) Gecko/20050325
Firefox/1.0.2 (Debian package 1.0.2-1)


Client: Dell gx1, PII, 128mb, ATI Rage Pro AGP

- Henrik
 Wed, 06 Apr 2005, Jim McQuillan skrev:

> Hello all,
> We've been working on getting some updates of ltsp-4.1 packages out, but
> I ran into a snag that has slowed me down a bit.
> I've merged Xorg 6.8.2 into the LBE, and built it.  The problem is, on
> my test server, if I have the latest LTSP bits installed, and I boot a
> client, and run Firefox, then Firefox crashes on pages that contain
> flash.  Examples include http://www.nba.com and http://www.gm.com
> My server is running XFree86-4.3.0 and my LTSP clients are running X.org
> 6.8.2.  When that condition is true, firefox is crashing on flash pages.
> BUT, if I run X.org 6.7.0 on my LTSP clients, firefox is just fine.
> AND, if I load the latest LTSP on an Ubuntu-Hoary system that is also
> running X.org 6.8.2, everything is fine.
> This had me stumped for quite a while, until I had several other people
> install the latest bits, and it worked just fine for them.
> Then, I installed the latest on my laptop, and it works fine there !
> And my laptop is running the same version of XFree86 as my big server.
> So, something seems to be borked in my test server that is causing
> firefox to crash on flash pages.
> I don't feel comfortable releasing the updates as official, until I get
> a better handle on when it works and when it fails.
> So, i've decided to release the updates as a "ltsp-4.1-unstable"
> release.
> I'd like people to install it to a test directory, and give it a try.
> See if you have any problems like I had on my test server.
> To install the updated "unstable" ltsp-4.1, run ltspadmin, and
> go into the 'Configure the installer options' screen.  The first
> question in that screen is "Where to retrieve packages from".
> For that question, answer:
>    http://ltsp.mirrors.tds.net/pub/ltsp/ltsp-4.1-unstable
> Then, the next question is "In which directory would you like to
> place the LTSP client tree".  For that question, you should name
> a new directory, like '/opt/ltsp-4.1-unstable'.
> Then, leave the other answer the default, and go ahead and install.
> Then, update your /etc/exports file to include the new directory, and
> modify your dhcpd.conf file to tell your client to use the new
> kernel and new root-path.  I suggest that you just setup 1 client
> to test with.
> Once you have a client booting, try running firefox, and visit one of
> the sites I listed above.
> Then, whether it crashes or not, send me some feedback.
> For the record, my test server is:
>    Debian Sarge
>    XFree86 4.3.0.dfsg.1-4
>    Firefox 1.0.2
> I've posted a rough ChangeLog for the latest ltsp bits here:
>   http://ltsp.mirrors.tds.net/pub/ltsp/ltsp-4.1-unstable/ChangeLog
> A quick summary of the updates:
>  o  Both 2.4.26 and 2.6.9 kernels are now included.  2.6.9 kernel
>     still doesn't have a method of swapping to the network, so don't
>     use it on low-mem machines.
>  o  X.org 6.8.2
>  o  Updated module utilities to handle the 2.6.9 kernel
>  o  Additions to the vidlist file
>  o  New option to pass options to the mount command in the initrd.
>     Passing 'MOPTS=xxxxxxx' on the kernel command line will allow
>     you to specify things like wsize, rsize and proto=tcp  This should
>     help those folks with 10mbit clients on 100bit or gigabit networks
>     that are getting the nfs-timeout errors.
>     If using Etherboot, an example setup would be:
>         option option-128  e4:45:74:68:00:00;
>         option option-129  "MOPTS=nolock,ro,wsize=2048,rsize=2048";
>     You might also try throwing  ",proto=tcp" in there, to use TCP
>     instead of UDP.
>  o  Added a config file to LBE, to specify the URL to the source
>     tarballs.
>  o  getltscfg now has an 'include' functionality.  Which means your
>     lts.conf file can include other files.
>     For example:
>        [Default]
>           SERVER =
>           XSERVER = auto
>        include /etc/lts.conf.ws001
>        include /etc/lts.conf.ws002
>        include /etc/lts.conf.ws003
>        [ws004]
>           XSERVER = i810
>  o  New options to enable DPMS screen blanking
> Check the URL above for the gory details of the changes.
> Thanks,
> Jim McQuillan
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Henrik Ormåsen

SOS Rasisme

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