Am upgrading to ltsp 4.11 and debian sarge with kde.

Working though the small offices first and had no problems.

Now having a problem when about 10 people are logged in.
What happens is logins stall and new programs stall.
Was getting errors in syslog from famd saying it is out of file handles.
Jun 27 13:28:52 oshkosh famd[5361]: failed to accept new client: Too many open files Jun 27 13:29:00 oshkosh famd[5361]: localclient socket(PF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0): Too many open files
restarting famd makes thing resume.

I added to the startup of famd
ulimit -n 4096

So far did not any more errors logged but still have problems.

I stopped famd and it runs OK but would prefer to run famd if possible.

Any ideas?


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