Joe Baker wrote:
> On Wed, 10 Aug 2005 10:09:27 -0500, Steve Cayford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Joe Auerbach wrote:
>>> Interestingly enough, as far as I can tell, ubuntu has no .xsession
>>> file.  I have no idea how it logs you into X, but there is no 
>>> ~/.xsession.
>> On my Debian Sarge system there's no ~/.xsession by default, but if I
>> create one it will be honored. Try looking under /etc/X11 for the system
>> wide Xsession script, the Xsession.d directory and Xsession.options. The
>> options file specifically has a flag "allow-user-xsession" indicating
>> whether or not the ~/.xsession file will be used. (also see "man 
>> Xsession")
>> This is on Debian, but I figure Ubuntu should be pretty similar.
>> -Steve
> Steve Crayford,
> Thank You for revealing to me the reason Mandrake 10.1 doesn't honor
> the  ~/.xsession file.  I've seen various pluggable startup scripts
> similiar to  what you've described for starting daemons in /etc/init.d 
> and  /etc/logrotate.d  and for modules to load in apache and for xinetd,
> but I  never imagined there was a similiar architecture for starting
> programs  inside X displays.  With your hints above I was able to see
> that in the  /etc/X11/xinit.d directory which does not contain any files
> containing  .xsession.  Rather the directory contains these files:
> bluez-pin*  mandrakegalaxy*  menu*  Mod_Meta_L_Disable* 
> mouse_buttons*   net_applet*  numlock**
> I'd always wanted to get certian users to initiate vncviewer sessions
> from  a window-manager-less screen using kdm's auto-login feature so
> they could  re-connect to their persistant vncserver session.  Thanks to
> _YOU_ I think  I can finally make this a reality!
> -Joe Baker

Aw shucks. This'll go to my head. :)

Happy to help.


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