>To: Dave Cotton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>cc: ltsp-discuss@lists.sourceforge.net
>Subject: Re: [Ltsp-discuss] Dhcp problems.
>On Thu, 1 Sep 2005, Dave Cotton wrote:
>> I've used LTSP for around 6 years and every problem that has occured
>> I've been able to fix from the docs, but this one's got me.
>> Version 3.0.3 of DHCP does not allow my terminals past the looking
>> for a
>> DHCP server stage, reverting to 3.0.2 and all's fine.
>I got stuck with that one.
>Turns out that 3.0.3 was changed and now requires a 'next-server' entry,
>even if the TFTP server is the same as the DHCP server (which it quite
>commonly is). Previously, if next-server was missing, it defaulted to
>same server. It doesn't any more.
>Phil Davey
>Computer Officer
>Hughes Hall, University of Cambridge

It seems I have the same problem but having looked at
'ltspcfg' I can find no 'next-server' entry.

Could you be more specific where it may be found ?

Adam Bogacki,

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