On 1/28/06, Roy Souther <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
If that is not an option then you will need licensing for as many people that will connect to the server at any one time. You can connect your LTSP desktops to the server by installing Windows Terminal Services. That is what I did for one of my clients. We set it up so that the LTSP server is running GDM and the login session starts a connection to the server using rdesktop. It works great. It is not as good as a pure Linux solution but it does have the advantage of having a centralized location for software management and you don't need any extra licensing for the terminal boxes. They had to use this because the program they used needs a USB dongle to prevent illegal use of the CAD software that talks to their factory automation equipment.

IMHO you will need
1: As many terminal client access licenses (TCAL's) as number of terminals connected
2: Application licenses will depend on software license of the provider.

?? IAC it is a very confusing issue 'cause if you ask M$ they will take this position and to be safe I would go with it rather than run in to legal probelms. I recall many threads in the k12ltsp list on this in the past.

Sudev Barar
Learning Linux

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