On Fri, Feb 17, 2006 at 09:59:30AM +0530, Sithi wrote:

> atlast i had managed to install ubuntu 5.10 with LTSP, 4.1 successfully, 
> every thing is up and i am happy


> but once log in to the gnome, for "sudo ifconfig eth0" command, it is 
> giving me the servers ip address (

Right.  Because you're *running* this command on the server.

Remember: your thin client is *ONLY* acting as a display device: the
gnome desktop, and all the applications you launch under it, are running
on the server.

The easist way to find out your terminal's ID is to look at your display
environment variable.  It'll look something like:

$ echo $DISPLAY

or some such likeness.

Then, it's just a matter of looking up the host IP of ws005.ltsp.  It'll
either be in your dns setup (if you configured that) or, more likely, in
your /etc/hosts file.


(o_  Scott L. Balneaves | "You are the Universe's only chance to appreciate
//\  Systems Department |  its own beauty."
V_/_ Legal Aid Manitoba |    -- MSG, POE news forums

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