On Mon, 20 Mar 2006, Andy Rabagliati wrote:

On the NFS server, the /home export was in a separate spindle
series (raid-5) from the OS, and from a code content export
for the presentation tier.

Was that a SCSI RAID ?

yes - Dell PERC set as hardware raid-5

I have battled with RAID5, hoping it would speed up /home access, but
with a limited budget and no UPS the rebuild times were too long.

raid 5 slows things down - lots of RAM for cache speeds things up :) I would not even begin to inflict the pain on myself of trying to run raid, in the absence of adequate reliable power.

I have run into (what I think is) disk bandwidth problems with a mere 40
clients - let alone your 200.

One 100BaseT cable should comfortably take care of maximum transfer
rates from even a RAID5 array, no ?

It depends on the use profile; I restricted the mozilla cache size to 5M per user - a hardware and SCSI raid controller should be doing R and W reordering for optimal head movement; lots of ram for cacheing helps matters even more.

Or is there sufficient cacheing on the NFS server to warrant extra
network bandwidth ?

cacheing can happen at the local LTSP server as well as on the NFS server, and the dirty page cache consulted much faster than actual file contents can be pulled back and forth ;)

Classroom sizes in South Africa can run to 40 or 50, and I am trying to
get an understanding of a good NFS server setup with twin Application
servers, and your network setup intrigued me.

The trick would be keeping the students from inadvertently 'pegging' the network and servers with cheerful experimentation, I imagine. good luck.

-- Russ Herrold

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