> On Wed, Apr 12, 2006 at 05:13:13PM +0300, uygar bayar wrote:
>> hi
>> i use redhat as4 u2 i recently install 4.2 on my server and try to use
>> usb-stick on my clients. But i stuck fstab section when i boot up client
>> and drop to shell I can see the vendor and type of the usb-stick but i
>> can not see anything in fstab file. i also plug and un-plug it. it also
>> shows the vendor. Usb-stick works on a server.Also I can mount it at
>> client site in the shell prompt and see files in it.
> The web page:
> http://wiki.ltsp.org/twiki/bin/view/Ltsp/LTSP-42-LocalDev
> Contains a step by step debugging procedure.  If you could step through
> that, and provide some more details about where it stops working for
> you, that might help.
> Scott
> --
> Scott L. Balneaves | "Looking beyond the embers of bridges glowing behind
> us
> Systems Department |  To a glimpse of how green it was on the other
> side..."
> Legal Aid Manitoba |    -- Pink Floyd "High Hopes"

 i stuck step 4.My thinclinet model retone.i used 2.6.16 kernel. i tried 2
diffrent usb devices (usb memory and usb storage) both of them seen by
udev. I tried plug and un-plug devices and i saw them (vendor,model,rev,
type etc..) in shell prompt before boot X screen .But I couldnt see
anything in fstab. In shell prompt i also tried udevmonitor to see
devices it works well.

this is udev monitor log:

UEVENT[1144933191.465120] remove@/class/scsi_device/3:0:0:0
UEVENT[1144933191.465203] remove@/block/sda/sda5
UEVENT[1144933191.465223] remove@/block/sda/sda1
UEVENT[1144933191.465243] remove@/block/sda
UEVENT[1144933191.465284] remove@/class/scsi_host/host3
UEVENT[1144933191.465323] remove@/class/usb_device/usbdev1.5
UEVENT[1144933191.465342] remove@/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:11.2/usb1/1-2
UEVENT[1144933197.421025] add@/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:11.2/usb1/1-2
UEVENT[1144933197.430120] add@/class/scsi_host/host4
UEVENT[1144933197.430139] add@/class/usb_device/usbdev1.6
UEVENT[1144933202.445853] add@/block/sda
UEVENT[1144933202.475197] add@/block/sda/sda1
UEVENT[1144933202.475260] add@/block/sda/sda5
UEVENT[1144933202.475283] add@/class/scsi_device/4:0:0:0

my lts.conf

        SERVER             =
        XSERVER            = vesa
        X_MODE_0           = 1024x768
        X_HORZSYNC         = 30-54
        X_VERTREFRESH      = 50-90
        X_MOUSE_PROTOCOL   = "IMPS/2"
        X_MOUSE_DEVICE     = "/dev/psaux"
        X_MOUSE_RESOLUTION = 400
        X_MOUSE_BUTTONS    = 2
        USE_XFS            = N
        LOCAL_STORAGE      = Y
        SCREEN_01          = shell

my rc.localdev

# rc.localdev
# This script will set up local device sharing.
PATH=/bin:$PATH; export PATH
. /etc/ltsp_functions

# Get the lts.conf entries
eval `/bin/getltscfg -a`

# If there's no storage defined, then exit the script

if [ "${LOCAL_STORAGE}" !=  "Y" ]; then

# Make our drives directory where things will be mounted.
# this needs to be group and user owned by nobody.

mkdir /tmp/drives
chown nobody:nobody /tmp/drives

# Need a lockfile and a directory to store temp fstabs in.

mkdir /tmp/fstab.d
echo $$ > /tmp/.udevlock

# start lbuscd
echo "Starting lbuscd..."

# Load some of the filesystem drivers

modprobe ide-generic
modprobe floppy >/dev/null 2>&1
modprobe vfat
modprobe iso9660
modprobe autofs

# Start ltspfsd

echo "Starting ltspfsd..."
/bin/ltspfsd ${LTSPFSD_OPTIONS}

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