On Sat, May 20, 2006 at 07:32:48PM -0700, Jim Bodkikns (Dakotacom) wrote:

I think Jim's already pointed out that your display problems have
absolutely nothing to do with udev.  However, the way to get things
fixed WITH ANY PROBLEM is to state the exact nature of the problem,
answer ANY AND ALL questions the developers may have so that they can
determine where things are going wrong, and generally take an active
role in helping to fix the problem.  Railing against some new technology
that frightens you because you don't (yet) understand it doesn't solve
anything.  If udev's giving you problems, how about getting on a mailing
list, chat channel, etc, and ASKING a question?

> I dont expect anyone to fix this. This is mainly a comment.

Dude, we're here on this list to help people fix things.  And on #ltsp.
We're unpaid volunteers who do this in our spare time because we love
it.  Why not actually take advantage of the free help we're offering

> I know 
> people just adore udev. I personally have had nothing but trouble with it. 
> UDEV resulted in my abandoning a commercial project using debian (ubuntu). 

What problems?  Please point me to the bug numbers in the ubuntu bug
database that you filed.  Can you point me to the mailing list posts you
made asking for help?  Did you post on a message board anywhere?  Drop
by irc.freenode.net on the #ubuntu channel and ask a question?  Y'know,
I know several of the ubuntu developers, and I'd bet my eye teeth they'd
love to receive a clear, concise description of the problem you're
having, so they could actually FIX the problem.  We like to do things
like that in the Free Software community.  We're funny like that.  But
we NEED TO KNOW THERE'S A PROBLEM, and lots of other information to help
us locate it.

I've got 6 computers and 5 thin clients here to help test in my
development of LTSP, all funded out of my own pocket.  I don't, however,
have EVERY video card/mobo/usb device/network card/etc combo out there.
Is there a good chance you're FrabjTronics 1143-b 5 meg video card
doesn't work?  Yeah, might be.  Either tell me where I can buy one, or,
better yet, SEND me one, and you might get support for it.

> If I recall, 4.2 introduces UDEV to the mix. That may have nothing to do 
> with my problems, but I just dont trust it. I dont believe it is really 
> ready for primetime - fire and forget.

Here we get to the nub of your argument:

1) I have a problem.
2) There's something here I don't trust.
3) #2 must be resposible for #1

A quick scan through my history book tells me that this sort of thinking
has led to every major human calamity in, ohh, say, since humans first
came down from the trees. The way around this is:

1) State the exact nature of your problem
2) Learn more about what you don't trust
3) Work together to find a solution.

>   I would like to see a community conference (not just ltsp) to address 
> UDEV issues. (I have contacted the hotplug group and was told there werent 
> interested in dealing with upgrade or implementation/installation issues - 
> which is why it has problems IMO). Conceptually it is appealing, but I 
> believe the implementation is anything but solid.

Well, you set up the hotels, meals, travel arrangements, get the
sponsors, make the budget, etc, and I'll be glat to come to the first
annual "Jim Bodkikns doesn't trust udev" conference.

>   If I had a vote - and it appears the opensource community just went the 
> way of MS (control from the top) - I would vote against it until it were 
> more universally usable.

This statement is just so very, very wrong, it's not even funny.

>   End of vent/rant. But, it may kill yet another of my projects. (It may 
> not be involved, but since the hardware formerly worked, I cant imagine 
> what it might be)

The only thing that's killing your projects is your ignorance in being
unwilling to accept the help that's out there to fix your problems.
Until you get over that, you're doomed.


Scott L. Balneaves | "Looking beyond the embers of bridges glowing behind us
Systems Department |  To a glimpse of how green it was on the other side..."
Legal Aid Manitoba |    -- Pink Floyd "High Hopes"

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