Mgr. Peter Tuharsky wrote:
> Hi, man
> This looks like a good howto! Please, contact the LTSP webpage and offer 
> it to them! People need good, straight-forward howtos.

Somebody, PLEASE post this howto to the LTSP Wiki.  It's great 
information, and the wiki doesn't require any permission to update.

Jim McQuillan

> Peter
> Jumako  wrote / napĂ­sal(a):
>> After years of using LTSP (<= v4.2) I decided to try LTSP 5. I built a new 
>> server with the upcoming Debian Etch release. Therefore I bought some pretty 
>> nice hardware: a amd64x2 cpu, a asus m2n-sli deluxe mobo, 2 gigs DDR2 - RAM 
>> and two harddisks with nearly 1 TB space.
>> The Debian installer runs smooth and after that I started to go for LTSP 5. 
>> The basic LTSP 5 installation worked perfect. Thanks to the LTSP people!
>> After all, the combination of Etch and LTSP 5 needs some make-up. Here is a 
>> solution that works for me (everything is stolen and nothing is mine, 
>> sources/references at the end):
>> A.) Setup a Debian Etch server. There are a lot of good instructions around. 
>> B.) We need root permissions to do all the next steps.
>> C.) Get the basic packages. Open an xterm (or equivalent):
>> apt-get install ltsp-server openssh-server
>> D.) Built the ltsp client in the same xterm (I only use i386 clients with my 
>> amd64 server):
>> ltsp-build-client --dist etch --arch i386
>> Optional, you can use your own mirror (or local mirror) with an additional 
>> parameter (e.g. this is my local mirror, you have to pick another one):
>> ltsp-build-client --dist etch --arch i386 --mirror 
>> The ltsp-build-client script needs a lot of time (especially with a non 
>> local mirror).
>> E.) If you want to have local device access you need some Debian Sid (= 
>> Debian unstable) packages. These packages are at the moment not available 
>> for Etch (as of april 2007). Don't care about "unstable", they worked fine 
>> for me.
>> Point your favorite browser to:
>> and get the package for your server (!!!) architecture (for me it is amd64 = 
>> ltspfs_0.4.3+debian2_amd64.deb).
>> Then go for:
>> and get the package for your clients (!!!) architecture (for me it is i386 = 
>> ltspfsd_0.4.3+debian2_i386.deb)
>> F.) Install the ltspfs server (!!!) package:
>> In an xterm as root go to the just downloaded ltspfs server package and type 
>> (remember, amd64 is my server architecture, you may have another one):
>> dpkg -i ltspfs_0.4.3+debian2_amd64.deb
>> G.) Copy the ltspfsd client package into your chroot:
>> In an xterm as root go to the just downloaded ltspfsd client (!!!) package 
>> and type:
>> cp ltspfsd_0.4.3+debian2_i386.deb /opt/ltsp/i386/root
>> H.) Now we do some action in the chroot:
>> You are root and type in an xterm:
>> chroot /opt/ltsp/i386
>> >From now you are in the client environment (!!!), go to:
>> cd /root
>> and there install the client ltspfsd package:
>> dpkg -i ltspfsd_0.4.3+debian2_i386.deb
>> I.) Sound needs some extra help, so type in the same client environment 
>> (chroot):
>> apt-get install libasound2 libesd-alsa0 alsa-oss alsa-base linux-sound-base 
>> aumix
>> J.) We are already in the same client environment (chroot). The sound volume 
>> is 0 as default so we need a little pump up:
>> cd /etc
>> Here you have to create a file named "aumixrc" with this content:
>> vol:84:84:P
>> pcm:85:85:P
>> line:0:0:P
>> mic:0:0:P
>> cd:0:0:P
>> pcm2:85:85:P
>> igain:0:0:P
>> line1:0:0:P
>> dig1:0:0:P
>> You can do that with:
>> vi aumixrc
>> Pressing "i" (only the letter i) and pasting the above lines. Pressing of 
>> the esc - key and ":x" will save the file.
>> K.) There is one package missing. As of april 2007 the package "lsof" (part 
>> of local cdrom) is absent by default, so in the same client environment 
>> (chroot):
>> apt-get install lsof
>> L.) Remote logging is not working and need to be fixed, so in the same 
>> client environment (chroot):
>> cd /etc/rc2.d
>> mv K10sysklogd S10sysklogd
>> mv K11klogd S11klogd
>> M.) Delete all (!) entries in /etc/hostname in the chroot, then you have the 
>> right terminal name (from dhcpd) and everything works fine:
>> cd /etc
>> rm hostname
>> touch hostname
>> N.) Leaving the chroot, type:
>> exit
>> O.) We're back onto the server and enabling remote logging:
>> cd /etc/default
>> Edit the file "syslogd" to make sure the the following line is present:
>> SYSLOGD="-r"
>> Then restart the logging with:
>> /etc/init.d/sysklogd restart
>> P.) NFS configuration:
>> cd /etc
>> Make sure that in the file "exports" the following line is present:
>> /opt/ltsp                 
>> You have to adapt the to your network settings!
>> Restart the nfs - server:
>> /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server restart
>> Q.) At least, the dhcpd configuration:
>> cd /etc/dhcp3 
>> You have to edit the file "dhcpd.conf". This may be very tricky, because 
>> this depends on your hardware situation. Here is a part of my configuration, 
>> you have to adapt it:
>> ddns-update-style none;
>> default-lease-time 21600;
>> max-lease-time 21600;
>> option subnet-mask        ;
>> option broadcast-address;
>> option routers              ;
>> option domain-name-servers;
>> option domain-name           "YourDomain";
>> option root-path             "/opt/ltsp/i386";
>> option option-128 code 128 = string;
>> option option-129 code 129 = text;
>> option option-128  e4:45:74:68:00:00;
>> option option-129  "MOPTS=nolock,ro,wsize=2048,rsize=2048";
>> authoritative;
>> log-facility local7;
>> subnet netmask {
>>     use-host-decl-names      on;
>>     option log-servers;
>> host x01 {
>>           hardware ethernet     XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX;
>>           fixed-address;
>>           next-server;
>>           filename "/ltsp/i386/pxelinux.0";
>>          }
>> host x04 {
>>           hardware ethernet     XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX;
>>           fixed-address;
>>           next-server;
>>           if substring (option vendor-class-identifier, 0, 9) = "PXEClient" {
>>                         filename "/ltsp/i386/eb-5.4.3-via-rhine.zpxe";
>>                         }
>>           else if substring (option vendor-class-identifier, 0, 9) = 
>> "Etherboot" {
>>                         filename "/ltsp/i386/pxelinux.0";
>>                         }
>>          }
>> }
>> XX:XX ... must change to your hardware.
>> You can get the *.zpxe files from
>> After all, restart dhcp with:
>> /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server restart
>> R.) So far you are ready, I only have some little hints:
>> If you are low on client memory you can save some kilobytes by deactivating 
>> useless tty's. Switch to chroot and edit /etc/inittab:
>> comment out the lines:
>> #2:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty2
>> #3:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty3
>> #4:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty4
>> #5:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty5
>> #6:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty6
>> If something goes wrong, it may help switching to the first tty and login at 
>> the client as root. To do that you need to give root a password. So switch 
>> to chroot and type "passwd" and enter a password. 
>> Booting the client takes a lot of time now (since LTSP 5), you can improve 
>> that by optimizing the lts.conf file (e.g. naming a xorg.conf file). I will 
>> post a lts.conf file in the future.
>> References:
>> LTSP 5:
>> Debian: 
>> Ubuntu:
>> LTSP/Howto:
>> NO remote - logging, BUG: #410485: 

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