Hi everyone -

I'm running LTSP-5 and so far I cannot calibrate an ELO Touchscreen properly.

It is an ELO 1715L attached to a terminal.

In lts.conf I have set:

X_TOUCH_DEVICE = /dev/ttyS0

This allows me to use the touchscreen but my finger and the cursor are not in 
the same place on the screen.

At bottom left corner, the cursor is a bit to the right and above my finger - 
maybe 1cm in both directions.

As I move towards upper right corner, cursor gets further and further away from 
my finger. The cursor becomes maybe 6cm above and to the right of my finger at 
the extreme position. The cursor reaches the corner much before my finger does.

I have tried setting values for X_TOUCH_MINX (and MINY) and X_TOUCH_MAXX (and 
MAXY) but it makes no difference.

I also tried setting MinX MinY as suggested in 

but it makes no difference.

Does anyone have any ideas or know how to fix my problem?

- David

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