Am Montag, den 30.07.2007, 10:02 -0600 schrieb Roy Souther:
> Francis, your post got me thinking.
> I am a big fan of SSH PKI. If a login manager could be made to require
> and id_dsa key, would that make the session more secure?

The point of a trusted system is that it can be verified to be trusted
right from the boot stage. That is why Win NT 4 had the Ctrl+Alt+Del
requirement when logging on - that keystroke could not be intercepted by
any screensaver mimicking a login screen (or similar), so you could be
absolutely sure that it either brings the task manager (if someone is
logged in) or the security dialog that you can use to login or resume a
locked session.

In LTSP circumstances, if you manage to setup a second boot server that
loads a Linux image to the client which looks pretty much like the real
thing and connects to the real server, but has some kind of key- and
screen logging modules compiled into the Xserver component (or
whatever), the user could not see the difference. The trouble is that
this is not even too difficult, people who know their way around LTSP
probably could setup something like that in less than a day, with no
visible difference to the user.

Security can only reasonable be had if you verify the boot server is the
real server, and this has to be done by means of cryptography.

> Maybe the open source etherboot project could be made to require
> server identity before booting.

We had a patch (actually I was the one to bring that patch into
Etherboot) that would download a file and check an embedded crypto
checksum against a public key that had to be hardcoded into the
Etherboot ROM. That was back in NBI days, and NBIs usually had several
dozens of free bytes in the header. The last 32 bytes of those unused
(iirc) had to contain a binary value, which was derived by MD5-ing the
rest of the NBI and then encrypting the result with a private key. So
Etherboot could also produce that md5 checksum and verify that the image
could only have been built by someone with the correct private key.

The patch came under the name "SAFEBOOTMODE", if you are interested to
find more info about it. It had never been expanded to support generic
images or other storage modes for the public key storage.

There are reasons for the lack of further development:
- Etherboot was planned to get a generic interface to read the small
configuration eeproms on most network cards, which possibly have room
for a pub key storage
- The NBI-centric way was meant to be replaced by a separate download.
As GPXE (the Etherboot successor) learns to directly boot linux kernels,
one might implement an extra download of a checksum file, for example
named like the kernel plus an extra file extension or the like
- Well, and I am lazy. Best excuse ever, ain't it?

> One way an attack like this could happen would be in a large
> unsupervised area. A person brings a laptop that will server the
> terminal an OS that has been modified with a key logger and let them
> login to the X session on the real server. The user would be unaware
> of anything, because it would still be their normal desktop session.


>  One way to stop this would be to have the server host terminal OS
> with a special program that uses encryption to verify the terminal and
> the programs on the terminal, then reject any X session connections
> from system that have not been verified. 

And here comes the trouble: If everyone can download the linux image,
everyone could read the scriptworks. We are talking open source, so
security by obscurity is out of the game. Let us be glad about this:
Such S-B-O solutions always risk breaking any time that someone gains
access to code that he should never see. It is bound to happen. See
google about ATMs/cash machines and their management console, if you
want a good half-sour laugh about SBOs and real life.

You will have to secure the clients such that any of "your" clients will
only boot a proper image. This does not save you from physical security:
Like someone replacing a client with a machine that boots from CF
instead of network and simulates a login screen as written above. Once
physical security of the terminals is screwed, so are you. Let us assume
you cannot protect the network (CAT5 plugs and such), which will be the
status at most LTSP installations. You should at least be able to make
sure that the thin clients are not tampered with: If security is your
concern, they should be bolted or locked to the tables anyway, and any
screws to open them should be sealed.

> Would it be possible for a program to detect the presents of a new
> unauthorized DHCP server?

Yep, several ways to do that. You could either monitor incoming
DHCPDISOVER packets and log their occurence against incoming
DHCPREQUESTs (which will work if you are behind a switch, because you
will see ALL DHCPDISCOVERs, as those are network broadcasts). This would
of course trigger an alarm if someone reboots one of the terminals
between DISCOVER and REQUEST, and those two might be several seconds

Otherwise you could use a "mirror" port on your switch that hands out
ALL traffic on the network without filtering out packets that are not
meant for your Ethernet device. In that case, logging all DHCPOFFER
packets would reveal any bastard playing tricks on your network.

> I am not actively developing for the LTSP project so I cannot say how
> hard these things would be or if they would even help much, but I do
> believe that security is an issue that needs constant work.

Security is a way, not a destination (Zen for beginners)

> I do not think MS was considering security by requiring a full OS
> locally installed. Given the low ability to protect an MS system from
> viruses and spyware I suspect that installing a key logger on to
> dozens of MS terminals would be much faster then a few Linux
> terminals. Extra license fees is most likely the only reason MS
> requires a full OS on the terminal.

I would consider the MS attempts of selling secure products as that:
Attempts. Just that it was not the sales people to fail, obviously.

"Linux" is not "secure" neither, of course. But then, as soon as you
give Jane Doe even access to the building where a LTSP network exists
you gave away the first bit of security. There is no such thing as a
100% secure computer system, even the battery driven machine sunken in
concrete and dropped down the Marianne fold theoretically could be
tampered with. Admittedly, that machine would have a lot of "9" in their
99,999% security.

Getting back to reality: By refusing to boot any tampered-with operating
system from a strange DHCP server you probably gain the most important
part. If you own a switch that allows to filter packets, you should
disallow DHCPDISCOVERs to go anywhere but your DHCP server, and you are
pretty much there. You should also hard-code the server IP to always
belong to the appropriate MAC address, if your switch allows that, so
that noone can impersonate your server (easily). Be aware that once that
network card blows you will have to reconfig the switch. You better not
restrict access to that single IP, then ;-) BTW restricting that MAC
address to live behind the appropiate switch port would be a good idea
as well.

If you got that far, you probably do not need crypto in Etherboot. That
was just an idea back when I implemented it, and might be reasonable in
certain environments, but it has been nowhere near beta stage even.

Those are my couple of cents.

Best regards

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