I read some of this yesterday--particularly the "Customizing thin client 
behavior" section.  It was very helpful, but I was left wondering why it 
was not included in my LTSP package (at least chapter 3 "Edubuntu Server 
and Thin Client Computing")

I had been looking in my /opt/ltsp tree for some documentation regarding 
the lts.conf file.  I was hoping to find something similar to the 
lts.conf.readme that is included in LTSP 4.2.  The best thing I can up 
with was an lts.conf file in the /opt/something/examples directory.

Anyway, I think it would be a good idea to include this handbook as part 
of the LTSP packaging.  Sure it's got the Edubuntu name all over it, but 
it seems to be the best LTSP 5 documentation out there.


Oliver Grawert wrote:
> hi,
> finally the export of the edubuntu handbook with the latest up to date
> ltsp5 (ubuntu gutsy) documentation worked, it can now be found under:
> http://doc.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/edubuntu/handbook/C/
> ciao
>       oli
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