On Mon, 2008-02-11 at 15:18 -0600, Frank Cox wrote:
> On Mon, 11 Feb 2008 13:09:32 -0800
> Jim Kusznir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Any suggestions?  I have no idea what to start tweaking on the netgear...
> I know nothing at all about a Netgear GSM7224 managed gigabit switch, but it
> sounds like something is not being passed through that switch, which suggests
> an over-eager firewall.
> Does this switch have some kind of built-in firewalling or filtering?  I just
> ran that through Google and it looks like it's one of those all-singing
> all-dancing units that will also pour coffee on demand.  Can you disable the
> fancy stuff and tell it to just be a switch?
> Alternatively, you may be best advised to use a different less-"capable" 
> switch.
I am uncomfortable with that type of advice.

If you check the archives, I posted a bunch on the issue of
spanning-tree protocol and iMacs

It seems the Macintosh computers struggle with spanning-tree protocol
and by switching it off on the managed switches, all is fine. You might
want to try that.

OP also didn't say what the client was that you were connecting (though
I'm not sure that it matters).


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