On 26/03/2008, Jorge Trujillo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Now I came with this project: I want to build a "remote graphics display
> device" that will allow me to connect it into my local net and show
> dynamically generated png (or whatever) image files from a central server to
> this "special thin-clients". The purpose is to create a network of
> information screens that can be spread across a building.
> This thin-clients would be "special" because they won´t have keyboard nor
> mouse (nobody is going to use them as a workstation), only a cheap small
> form factor i386 compatible pc and monitor. The image files transferred from
> server to clients would be < 50KB, one each 10 seconds or so. Plan to have
> 10 of this devices in the 1st phase.

The gdm login screen can be used for displaying a graphic file
(background) and you can sort of move the login box to one of the
corners (gdm.conf). Now you can use crontab to keep refreshing the
background file by changing it at set intervals. Only trouble is that
this would get refreshed only when the client is booted again. So
probably you need to work out a fixed log in time beyond which the
client gdm refreshes.
OR May be you can look at gdm.conf to display output of some program.
I have done output of sysmon on all terminals in the past in a small

Alternate would be to set them as password less kiosks and use browser
for information dispersal.

Sudev Barar

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