Ah, another hidden variable! ;) Thanks Stéphane!

Googling that var gave me this URL: 
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LtspUpdateManagerIntegration - this is something 
that I'd been thinking about as well (integrating chroot updates into 
update-manager for easy updates). Has there been any work done on this 
at all since the page was created?


Stéphane Graber wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Jordan Erickson wrote:
>> (Running Ubuntu 8.04.2)
>> Hey all,
>> I've been trying to get a simple cron script to run in my chroot that 
>> halts the thin-clients at a specified time. I've run into an issue:
>> Initially, when installing cron in the chroot, it shows that the daemon 
>> launches (Starting periodic command scheduler cron [ ok ] - but it seems 
>> to launch on the SERVER because when I edit /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/crontab 
>> and add an entry to test the halt command, the server halts before my 
>> ltsp-update-image completes. :(
>> This happens only once, until I bring the server back up. This should 
>> probably be fixed, and I'm glad I was testing it out on my own server 
>> instead of one of my production (well, more production than my own 
>> anyway) servers. Cron starts fine on the client after this little 
>> fiasco. I was able to easily reproduce this by 
>> uninstalling/re-installing cron (after checking my own mental sanity).
>> I'm assuming this is a cron issue - should I file a bug with them?
>> Cheers,
>> Jordan/Lns
> This is the expected behavior of a chroot.
> When installing a chrooted service, this one starts as it would do on a
> normal system and except the different system root has access to
> everything including the ability to kill all your processes and reboot
> your server.
> The fix as it's implemented in LTSP is to do:
> export LTSP_HANDLE_DAEMONS="false"
> and then do you apt-get installs, this way the daemon won't start when
> installed in the chroot.
> Stéphane
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> =AVA6

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