On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 12:34:47PM -0700, Vagrant Cascadian wrote:
> and then there's firefox and a handful of other widely used applications (i
> think gnome doesn't work so well) where that just plain doesn't work. yes,
> that's not "how it should be" but that's the sad reality of many applications.
> i don't like it either.

<grumpy old fart rant>

When I first started getting involved with GNU/Linux and/or Unix in a desktop
capacity (Late 80's/Early 90's) twm was the workhorse, and if you wanted
bling, you went for fvwm2.  It was a glorious time.  Config files didn't change
*unless you freaking well opened up your vi editor and edited them*.  And if
you were *smart*, you kept everything in rcs (before git, before bzr, before
svn, and even before cvs, there was... rcs).  In fact, you kept 2 copies: one
that was heavily commented, your "testing" config, and one that had all the
comments and blank lines removed so it loaded fast as lightning on your 386sx
with 640meg hard disk.

I had an fvwm2 desktop that gnome, kde, or *nuttin*'s been able to match for
bling since, and I expect, ever.

It was... perfect.  Back when I used to *know* what my config was all about.

Sigh...  Still got my twm config files around here somewhere, if you want...
I still use tin for news, and mutt for mail.  If I could just break my web
graphics habit, I could switch to lynx, and then not even bother to start X

/shakes cane/ Durn you kids with yer fancy schmancy compositing window
managers.  One pixel borders ain't GOOD enough for yah, eh?

Ah, well.  Time and tide...

</grumpy old fart rant>


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