On Thu, 2009-09-03 at 00:54 +0200, SZABO Zsolt wrote:
> I am trying to write a script that shut down the (given set of) thin 
> clients (TC). Therefore, I have installed openssh-server in ltsp-chroot, 
> and I am able to ssh to a TC from the server and shut the TC down.
> So, what should such a script look like? Or is there a better, more 
> appropriate solution for this task?
Google found a way to do it via inetd:

But neither sshd or inetd is installed on a stock ltsp client. However,
nc is! Scott B. posted a message to this list in 23 Aug 2007 to show how
it might be done with nc (Remote reboot in ltsp5 - Q & D). I can't find
his message in the archives, so here it is:


Ok, as promised:

First, create the following file in: /opt/ltsp/i386/usr/sbin/reboot.sh

---- snip below ----


set -e


# If $RBFILE doesn't exist, exit
[ -f "${RBFILE}" ] || exit

PERM=$(stat -c "%a" "${RBFILE}")
[ "${PERM}" = "600" ] && RBPASS=$(cat "${RBFILE}") || exit

while :; do
    PASS=$(nc -l -p 9200 | tr -d '\r\n')
    [ "${PASS}" = "${RBPASS}" ] && /sbin/poweroff -fp

---- snip above ----

chmod 755 it, so it's executeable.

echo "foople" > /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/rebootpass
chmod 600 /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/rebootpass

Then, add the following line to /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/rc.local, above the
exit 0 line:

start-stop-daemon --start -b --exec /usr/sbin/reboot.sh

make sure rc.local gets run:

cd /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/rc2.d
mv K99rc.local S99rc.local

And boot your terminal.


echo "foople" | nc -q 0 <workstationip> 9200

should shutdown the box.

Quick, dirty, gets the job done.


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