2009/10/7 Andy S <an...@bristolwireless.net>:
> Installing on Debian Lenny based system (Mepis 8.x) using
> Lenny-backports for newer ltsp packages (as per:
> http://wiki.debian.org/LTSP/Howto/Lenny-With-Backports ) which install
> ltsp-server*_5.1.1.85-1_all and ldm-server_2.0.45-1_all (needed to
> edit apt-pinning to get ltsp-server* packages to install..??) but
> running:
> ltsp-build-client --extra-help
> only results in:
> LTSP Build Client usage:
>   ltsp-build-client <options>
> Regular options:
>     --dist                     Set the distribution to be used for install
>     --extra-help               Display help for all available
> commandline options
>     --help                     Display this help message
> Advanced options:
>     --arch                     set the target architecture
>     --base                     Set the default base install directory
>     --chroot                   Set the name of the chroot.
>     --config                   Load a user specific configuration file
>     --debug                    Enable debug support
>     --exclude                  exclude packages from the initial chroot
>     --prompt-rootpass          prompt to set the root password,
> defaults to disabled
>     --purge-chroot             purge existing LTSP chroot if present
> whereas the pure Debian Lenny + backports install I did a few days ago
> gives me the full list of extra options:
> ltsp-build-client --extra-help
> LTSP Build Client usage:
>   ltsp-build-client <options>
> Regular options:
>     --dist                     Set the distribution to be used for install
>     --extra-help               Display help for all available
> commandline options
>     --help                     Display this help message
>     --mirror                   Set the mirror location
> Advanced options:
>     --accept-unsigned-packages allow unsigned packages during install.
>     --apt-keys                 include the listed keys in the apt keyring
>     --arch                     set the target architecture
>     --base                     Set the default base install directory
>     --chroot                   Set the name of the chroot.
>     --components               Set the components to be used in mirror
>     --config                   Load a user specific configuration file
>     --copy-package-cache       cache downloaded packages
>     --copy-package-lists       copy apt Packages files from server
>     --copy-sourceslist         use the servers sources.list instead of
> generating one
>     --create-ext2-image        create ext2 image for use with NBD
>     --create-fs-image          create image for use with NBD of the
> specified filesystem
>     --debconf-seeds            load debconf seeding in the chroot after 
> install
>     --debug                    Enable debug support
>     --early-mirror             add a mirror, which takes priority over
> the default mirror
>     --early-packages           set the list of packages to install
> after base-install is completed.
>     --enable-popcon            enable popularity-contest in the chroot
>     --exclude                  exclude packages from the initial chroot
>     --extra-mirror             add a mirror, with lower priority than
> the default mirror
>     --http-proxy               use specified http proxy
>     --keep-packages            keep cache of downloaded package files
>     --kernel-packages          set the list of kernel packages to install.
>     --kiosk                    a simple webkiosk mode.
>     --late-packages            list of packages to install as part of
> the final installation.
>     --locale                   Set the default locale
>     --mount-cdrom              mounts CDROM before installation
>     --mount-package-cache      mount package cache dir from server
>     --no-guess-proxy           do not autodetect apt proxy configuration
>     --pin-dist                 distribution to set up apt pinning
>     --pin-packages             list of packages to install from the
> pinned distribution
>     --prompt-rootpass          prompt to set the root password,
> defaults to disabled
>     --purge-chroot             purge existing LTSP chroot if present
>     --security-mirror          add a security mirror
>     --serial-console           enable serial console
>     --skip-upgrade             skip upgrade of installed packages.
>     --squashfs-image           create squashfs image for use with NBD.
> What gives? Has there been some regression, or is my package manager
> lying to me -
> dpkg -l ltsp-server*
> No packages found matching ltsp-server_5.1.85-1_all.deb.
> No packages found matching ltsp-server-standalone_5.1.85-1_all.deb.
> Where I'd expect a list of available ltsp-server* packages and their status...
> I have tried the old remove --purge method before trying a re-install
> - to no avail.
> It just means I can't use --extra-mirror and --apt-keys options as
> instructed in the above link - suggests to me I don't really have the
> latest backported packages installed even though they indicate they
> are!
> ?
> A

Never mind - I can see that it isn't possible to install/configure
LTSP 5 via native package management system unless is is pure a pure
Debian system (or other OS with LTSP 5 packages).

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