Please no one can help or had an idea what's the problem can be?
Many thanks

Wim De Geeter wrote:
> Hi,
> We have 2 LTSP Servers running fine. Now I have 2 chroot environments 
> (lenny and squeeze). Some Thin Clients are booting lenny other are 
> booting squeeze.
> All lenny TC are booting fine. The problem is with the squeeze TC.
> The client booted and at the end an error shows up shortly
> /hostname: forward host lookup failed, resource temporary unavailable/
> The client boots further and the LDM login screen comes.
> After login a popup appears with
> /Enter the name of the host you want to login to/
> When I fill in the hostname of the server everything is working fine.
> Anyone who knows why an how I can resolve this error?
> Many thanks
> Regards,
> Wim

Wim De Geeter
| System Administrator
| Wegener Center for Climate and Global Change
| University of Graz, Austria
| Leechgasse 25, A-8010 Graz, Austria
| phone: +43 316 380 8463
| eMail:
|   web:

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