
first a disclaimer: I'm running a karmic chroot on a RHEL6 (beta) server.

At the console selecting the login session is a mystery.
I built and installed icewm rpm, installed and created 

The console login now shows the session menu and I can install either which 
stays as the selected session through logout or reboot.

No (user) file is changed to reflect this. I've checked VERY VERY carefully 
and am absolutely certain. [file compare, even complete archive of the 
home/user directory, change session and restore the home. Changed session 

LDM does NOT honour what ~/.dmrc says despite what the documentation says.
Changing the console selected session from gnome to icewm results in no-login 
just recycling trys on the TC. 
Console back to gnome won't accept the change before reboot (remembers icewm), 
then after reboot both console and thin client can run and do as a gnome 

OK this is bizare. Can anybody through light on what is happening. Hacking 
Xsession lets me do anything but I have 100s sites so no-fiddling is much 
better than hacking Xsession

~/.dmrc is changed to reflect the new session, removing .dmrc does not alter 
the behaviour.

ie so bizare just say it again:
set .dmrc to icewm-session
set console session menu choice to gnome
TC logs in with gnome session
console login logs in to gnome session 
   first gnome session to run changes .dmrc to reflect gnome


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