On 07/23/2010 01:08 PM, Russell Brown wrote:
> If I boot them with the (Xorg detected) Via drivers and glx then Kde
> crashes out just after showing the initial desktop and panel.  The
> .xsession-errors file is some 38K long!  but the point of failure seems
> to be "kdeinit4:  Fatal IO error:  client killed".
> I've started off with kubuntu-10.04-alternate-i386.iso and upgraded via
> apt to the latest versions of everything; I've even added the
> kubuntu-ppa and installed KDE 4.4.5 but there's no difference.
> FWIW, using a Gnome session on the same server and thin-client works
> fine as does Xfce4 (although with glx, compositing turned on and shadows
> and transparency it's not a snappy as without but proves the point that
> Xorg/glx in itself isn't the problem) so I don't think it's the
> thin-client(s) or LTSP that's the problem but something in
> KDE4/plasma/etc; I'm just asking here in the hope that others have been
> down the same path and found a solution.
> So.....  am I flogging a dead horse trying to use KDE4 on modest
> hardware?  Has anyone else got a similar setup working?  Any suggestions
> on where to go from here?
> Perhaps KDE4 is just too heavy on the graphics for any non-local X
> display...  but I hope someone will tell me otherwise.

I also found the KDE4 crash behavior with a Via chipset board, but KDE4
runs fine on Atom/D945GSE chipset boards which are also relatively
underpowered.  I don't think the issue is the CPU but rather something
about the Via X driver.

Unfortunately I gave up on that Via board before ever finding the
solution so I can't be of much help.


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