
On Mon, Nov 08, 2010 at 01:06:10PM +0100, Simone wrote:

>   does ltsp 5.0.40 supports cd-burning from thinclients?

Yes, you can.

> I'm using ltsp 5.0.40 under ubuntu 8.04.4 and I can automount
> cdrom/floppy and browse their content but when I insert a blank cd-r
> and try to burn with brasero|k3b the app says it cannot find any cd
> burner device.

If you're launching the burning app on the LTSP server, it's normal
(without a means to talk to the burner on the thin client, the server
can't see it).

But you've got two ways to explore here :

- the (by far) more easy : use LTSP localapps feature after installing
  cdrecord/wodim (+/- gui tools) in the TC chroot.

  Burning becomes then just a matter of 2 or 3 commands :

  * in a shell : ltsp-localapps xterm

  * in the popping xterm : 
   To know where the burner is hooked :
        cdrecord -scanbus

   To burn (example, depends on what -scanbus returns) :
        cdrecord dev=3,0,0 myfile.iso

   N.B. of course, you can also put a GUI application in the chroot
   and use it from the TC transparently. Just read the doc to find the
   suitable variables to overide a server menu entry with a TC one.

- another way, not as easy, but also doable : use the remote burning
  feature of cdrecord (rscsi). It works, but it's a more involved
  setup. Use it only as a last resort, if for whatever reason the TC
  can't do burning by itself (something which is probably impossible
  nowadays, since cdrecord needs very few ressources).




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