my system Kubuntu 12.04 desktop KDE4
installed chromium-browser and xbmc as local apps
on the terminal in console I can start ltsp-localapps chromium-browser
when I click chromium in the K-menu nothing happens
my lts.conf:
        LDM_DIRECTX             = true
        LOCALDEV                = true
        LOCAL_APPS              = true
        LOCAL_APPS_MENU         = true
        LOCAL_APPS_MENU_ITEMS   = chromium-browser,xbmc
        LOCAL_APPS_EXTRAMOUNTS  = /home/daten
        TIMESERVER              = ntp.ubuntu.com
        LTSP_FATCLIENT          = False
        DNS_SERVER              =
        SEARCH_DOMAIN           = fritz.box
        X_COLOR_DEPTH           = 24


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