OK, I tried that and got a certain kind of result. An Nbd-Swap folder gets created in /tmp, and it contains a file named with the IP address of the terminal. It is a 500+ MB file occupying just 32KB on the hard drive.

But it seems to be ignoring my nbdswapd.conf parameter of Size=128, so I wonder if this is working.

Could your swap.conf file be part of an older approach?

I double-checked the Ubuntu NBD Swap documentation, and I seem to have had it executed exactly before introducting swap.conf. I was following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuLTSP/EnableNBDSWAP, though that explicitly references Ubuntu 8.04 to 10.04. I found no newer documentation.

The only doubt I had about my execution concerned the instruction: "Create a /etc/ltsp/nbdswapd.conf file with the size of desired swapfile for each client" and it offered the sample entry of SIZE=256.

So in my case I created nbdswapd.conf with a single line: SIZE=128.

But if nbdswapd.conf format mimics lts.conf, then when the instruction says "size ... for each client," it may mean that nbdswapd.conf should like more like:


[Client 3 MAC Address]

[Client 12 MAC Address]

So I edited my file and tried:


But it didn't seem to make any difference.  No swap file appeared in \tmp.

Should the swap file get created even if the client does not have a current need for swap space?

On 8/10/2012 10:18 PM, James Goff wrote:
On 8/10/2012 9:07 PM, John Hupp wrote:
I'm putting a couple tweaks in place in my new Lubuntu LTSP test setup.

(E.g. I turned off SSH-encrypted sessions for better performance on the terminal, and I was able to verify that this was in force.)

I also believe I have NBD Swap set up:

Edit LTS.CONF to add:

Then add the line:
    nbdswapd: ALL: keepalive
to your /etc/hosts.allow file

Then create /etc/ltsp/nbdswapd.conf with just this content for a 128MB swap file:

Swap files should show up as /tmp/tmp.* files, but despite loading up a BUNCH of stuff on a 128MB terminal (including Chromium with *lots* of tabs open), nothing appeared.

Is there another way to verify that NBD Swap is working?
When I set up a lubuntu ltsp server I needed to add the swap.conf file as shown below.

Add the following swap.conf file to /etc/nbd-server/conf.d
exportname = /tmp/nbd-swap/%s
prerun = nbdswapd %s
postrun = rm -f %s

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