Has anybody used this new anti-social hardware from Intel? We have mostly
the older D510MO atom boards around here, but we need something with dual
display. Seeing no affordable alternative, we opted to try the DN2800MT
board (http://ark.intel.com/products/56455/Intel-Desktop-Board-DN2800MT),
but alas, I haven't even been able to make it boot with single monitor
native resolution (1920x1080) in Ubuntu 12.04.

I read somewhere that the newer kernels had a video driver, so I set up
LTSP in a virtual machine with Ubuntu 12.10, and while the text terminal
now has decent resolution, it now fails to start an X server at all. I am
attaching a log file in hopes that somebody can help to determine the

Does anybody have experience with this hardware? Advice to get two displays
going with it, or even one at native resolution? Can somebody recommend an
affordable alternative for dual display support at a reasonable price, and
preferably more open?


Attachment: Xorg.7.log
Description: Binary data

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