Στις 26/04/2013 04:53 μμ, ο/η Thomas Boehm έγραψε:
> $CHROOT/etc/ltsp/ltsp-client.conf didn't exist, so I created one. Then I
> added IPAPPEND=3 and later ipappend 3 instead, after it didn't work.
> When running ltsp-update-image --arch ... nothing gets added to
> pxelinux.cfg/default

It's a shell file, use IPAPPEND=3, not ipappend 3.
That file is "executed" when a new kernel is installed in the chroot,
or when you manually run
sudo chroot $CHROOT /usr/share/ltsp/update-kernels
That generates $CHROOT/boot/pxelinux.cfg/default,
and then ltsp-update-kernels on the server copies it to $TFTP.

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